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Normally I enjoy the task of creating a brand and identity for my designs. I always take pride in this part of the project as I feel it is important after all that hard work to package your idea in a professional way.

In this project for some reason I really struggled with creating my brand. Even when creating my final images, which have a prominent style and identity about them I still couldn’t decide on a name, I was happy with.

With my project being primarily inspired by the increase of levels of S.A.D. in higher latitudes from the beginning I was interested in creating a name around this.

I came up with the tag line “live 55° brighter” – the 55° being the latitude of my site.

I like the idea that in the future my concept could be applied to other locations giving, “brighter living at every latitude.”

One thing I was sure of was I wanted to keep my name simple. I went through a series of possibilities including:

APERATURE – to do with light in a camera & in keeping with the quote from the architects journal, “most vacation houses are designed to work roughly like a camera: a box, glazed on one side, with the glass wall pointed at the view.”

THE SNUG – a small, cosy, comfortable space – “snuggery” a small area/room in a pub where only a few people can sit.

BERTH/ BERTH @ 55/ BERTH 55 - berth being the bed/sleeping accommodation on a boat and other vessels and also a location in a port where vessels are moored when they are not at sea.

Berth 55 really appealed to me as my retreat is acting as a place of safety and recovery for those suffering from S.A.D. and very nearly got chosen. In the end I felt the repetition of the 55 took away from the tagline.

Finally I took a completely different line and chose “the wee house” – adapted to “wee house by the sea.” This can be adapted to different locations as the concept expands – “wee house in the woods” “wee house by the river” and so on.

The logo I created shows the important aspect of the design – connecting with the environment and surroundings as well as the climate factor of the build though the sun & cloud.


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