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“A costal retreat giving therapy to sufferers from Seasonal Affective Disorder through encouraging connection to the Scottish climate.”

After studying the climate in detail I started to look at how Scotland’s sporadic weather can be used to our advantage. My concept involves helping S.A.D. sufferers gain a greater understanding of the climate they live in which in turn could help them manage their conditions on a daily basis.

The build will work off solar power for electricity as well as housing a rainwater system for it’s water supply. Other environmentally friendly aspects like a wood burning stove and composting toilet will also be in place allowing the structure to function off the grid.

The building will act as a base for hill walking, costal exploration, kayaking, sailing, star gazing, seal watching and general relaxation. The concept is trying to promote a focus on the importance of living a simple life and making time for a release from the pressures of everyday life.

Beginning to consider the scale of the building I am conscious of the need for the build to burrow into the surrounding landscape and not impose on the environment.

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