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As a first step towards our degree show projects we have been challenged to write our own brief.

I started by thinking about what I’ve enjoyed throughout the past two years in interiors. At the end of first year we did a project called Shed which involved re-designing the classic garden shed – moving walls, angles etc. but keeping to the given scale/measurements. I really enjoyed this small scale design project and the restraints that came with it.

Looking back on my work I’ve realised I tend to be interested in small space design. In year 2 semester 2 we were tasked with redesigning a large corridor space in DJCAD for which I created a series of small pods which varying purposes. Also last semester when tasked with re-designing the DJCAD canteen instead of creating one large space I split the space up and created a series of small kitchenettes.

At this point I have decided that I am going to focus on small scale new build and I am interested in the concept/business plan side to interiors as well as kit houses.

In terms of topic there are two ways I could take it. I may continue my research from the last project on Seasonal Affective Disorder which is an area of interest of mine. On another hand I am planning to volunteer in a slum area outside of Siem Reap in Cambodia as part of my year out next year. This has the possibility of forming a basis of research for my degree show project looking at housing solutions for the area. Although I do not have sufficient research or knowledge to embark on this now looking at housing solutions for Scotland/UK could be an interesting start.



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